Easter — the main holiday in Montenegro
The main holiday in Montenegro
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Fedor Swarovsky
Translation: Vera Root

Easter is a very important time in Montenegro for Christians and the state’s official holiday. It is as important as Christmas. Montenegrins are generally very religious people. And even if a particular person does not usually go to church, Easter is different. No matter how pious you are, but everybody are celebrating — relatives, neighbors, friends, the whole country — and you have to match. And, by the way, Montenegrins love holidays.
Good Friday, April 19th, Easter, April 21st and Easter Monday, April 22nd in 2019 are the holidays for Catholics. Good Friday, April 26th, Easter, April 28th and Easter Monday, April 29 in 2019 are the holidays for Orthodox. The holidays, of course, are based on lunisolar calendar and fall on different days every year.

This Christian holiday here is called Vaskrs or Uskrs. Greetings and replies to it sound like Christ Vaskrese! and Vaistina Vaskrese! — Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!

Nobody work on these days, except some restaurants. Do all your shopping in advance. Even emergency services do not work properly on the coast. Firefighters go slower. Police arrives reluctantly. There are few doctors in the hospitals. If you have a toothache try to solve the problem before the holidays. If you feel sick, run to the doctor right away, without delay. Getting sick on Easter days is a very bad idea.

In many cities all pharmacies are closed. Of course, you can get help in Emergency Room, but do try to avoid local services during the country's favorite holiday. People are kind, but they love to celebrate, and holiday here is more significant than any work, remember this.

Good Friday and Great Lent

Good Friday is the day of strict fast. This is the day when the Jesus Christ, being executed on the cross, remained, like all mortal people, dead and in Hell, because Heaven before the Resurrection of Christ did not exist. This is the most mournful day during all fast days before Resurrection Sunday. According to the church, any food or even water is prohibited until the morning service on Holy Saturday, when the sorrow gives way to a joyful expectation of the Resurrection of Christ.

A lot of Montenegrins take Great Lent very seriously. All 46 days of the Lent they honestly try to fast, and some do it very strictly. It is not surprising in these days to watch seemingly light-minded young people praying furiously or singing with the chorus in the church. Montenegrins are passionate, exuberant people! Suitable for the Lent food is labeled in supermarkets with the word “posno”.

Easter Services

Easter week goes with the Liturgy of Holy Thursday and in the evening of Holy Thursday or in the early morning of Holy Friday happens so-called Taking-out of the Holy Shroud, which is a special icon adorned with a cloth symbolizing the body of Christ. The shroud is settled in the middle of a temple, and on Good Friday the Christians come to worship this symbol.

On Holy Saturday liturgy is served in the morning. During this service the Christians eat prosphora and a piece of bread with wine, and then fast until Easter Sunday.

Many churches support the ancient custom of baptizing converts on Holy Saturday, so they can take Communion at Easter and begin their Christian life in such a solemn manner. In coastal places a priest, convert and everyone who wants to attend go to the nearest beach, where the blessing of sea water and baptism take place. This is how it was in early Christian times and it is a beautiful ceremony.

Easter Vigil rarely served at night in local churches, usually early in the morning. If you are planning to attend, we recommend you to visit your chosen temple before the holiday and see the schedule of services or ask someone from the parishioners or priests.

Пасхальная служба в храме, Черногория

Easter traditions

Orthodox Easter in Montenegro is slightly different from Greek or Russian in terms of customs. In Montenegrin families eggs are painted and decorated and one or few eggs might be kept after blessing until next Easter. This egg is called čuvar, the protector of the house and family. People believe what Easter eggs can not rot. Particularly brave ones eat them on the eve of Great Lent. And surprisingly the eggs are quite edible but the taste is funny.

Blessing of the eggs in local churches goes during only one day, Holy Friday. Usually parishioners put many decorated eggs in a special basket, and after Easter Vigil take home just one egg, leaving the rest to poor and needy.

Orthodox Montenegrins do not bake special pies or cakes for Easter, but supermarkets sell Italian Pannetones, which are similar to Greek or Russian traditional cakes. Local Catholics also make these Italian style bread for Easter.

Пасхальные яйца

It is a customary here to bring all food intended for the family fest for blessing. It could be ham, roasted lamb, vegetables, desserts. It is prohibited to take any kind of meat to Orthodox church, so a priest bless the dishes outside.

Another beautiful local tradition is a potluck meal in a churchyard. Everyone is welcome to celebrate Easter Sunday, even a stranger. Wine is pouring and the mood is light and happy.

Traditional Easter meal

Pork is a centerpiece of a family Easter celebration. It might be a roasted pork or a traditional dish — ispod sača — meat and vegetables stewed in a tightly closed thick-walled metal pot.

Festive tables abounds with goodies: ham, vegetables, cheeses, pies, cakes, homemade jams.

Easter time is about food, family and friends. People laugh, sing and dance.


Christ Vaskrese! Christ is risen!

Пасхальная служба в храме, Черногория

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Culture holidays